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Effortlessly Visualize Project Performance

Analyze your project progress towards goals and identify any risks or bottlenecks

Better data driven decisions

Instantly access well-defined reports for all your projects, ensure everything is on track

Identify pending tasks early and resolve them soon

Stakeholders can clearly get an overview of all project progress

View detailed project reports and make decisions faster

Data Driven Decision

Take instant decisions confidently

Status Report

Track status of all the projects and tasks with To do, In progress and Done badges

AI Estimation

Get accurate estimated task completed time for all tasks.

Gantt Chart

Get a birds eye view of all the tasks, timelines and progress

Swatle Project Management Reports

AI-Driven Insights in Project Management Reports

Swatle AI provides valuable insights for your prompts into your projects.

Summary of Project Management Reports

Swatle provides a detailed summary of all your projects.


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